Dental Bridges in Albany, NY

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Dental bridges are a valuable solution that can restore both your smile and dental function. We offer custom dental bridges at 1021 Dental to return your smile to you and improve your oral health.

Understanding Dental Bridges

Dental bridges become necessary when you have lost one or more teeth from tooth decay, periodontal disease or dental trauma. These gaps can lead to issues like misaligned bites, speech problems, and even self-esteem challenges. Bridges serve as a reliable way to fill these gaps, providing a stable foundation for artificial teeth that look and feel natural.

Personalized Teeth Bridges for a Perfect Fit

Our dentist will first examine your oral health and discuss the best bridge type for you. Then, the adjacent teeth will be prepared and reshaped to accommodate the bridge. Afterward, impressions are taken to craft a custom-fit bridge that perfectly matches your natural teeth. During your final appointment, Dr. Srinivas Iragavarapu will securely place the bridge, ensuring a comfortable and functional fit.

Restore Your Smile and Confidence with Dental Bridges

Dental bridges help improve chewing ability, enhance speech, and can restore your smile. Beyond the aesthetic benefits, bridges also help maintain the alignment of your remaining teeth, prevent bone loss, and boost your self-esteem by giving you a radiant and complete smile. Investing in a dental bridge in Albany, New York, can lead to a happier, healthier you. Call 1021 Dental at 518-482-1021 to schedule your consultation today.

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Contact our office today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Vasu, and start your journey toward a better smile.

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